Becuét: general information

general information managed by Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante - CNR
How to cite this source Schneider A., Torello Marinoni D., Raimondi S., 2014. Becuét. In: Italian Vitis Database,, ISSN 2282-006X
acknowledgments Ager Foundation, Regione Piemonte
botanical information
type of origin
Vitis vinifera
variety group
not available
variety for
Registered in the National Catalogue
Official name
Becuet N.
documented synonyms (2)
synonyms documented by the Istitution that appear with the eventual support of the literature
released clones
  • shoot
  • leaf
  • bunch
  • berry
Historical references

The first historical references on this cultivar in Italy dates back to the late 1800s, where a Bequet (from "beak") is mentioned in the vineyards of the Susa Valley, while the synonym “Berla 'd crava cita” (small goat dropping) is mentioned in the vineyards of High Pinerolese (Pomaretto and Perosa Agentina) (Commissione Ampelografica della Provincia di Torino, 1877). The curious names Becuét and “Berla 'd crava cita” both refer to the distinctly ovoid shape of the small dark berries.

The first, albeit brief, description realised for the ampelographic exhibition of Pinerolo (Provana di Collegno, 1883) allows us to confirm the current Becuét being identical to the one described in the past, indicating the synonymy with Persan (or Becuette) of the transalpine French region, also noticed by Rovasenda (1877) and confirmed by recent comparative studies with genetic markers (Schneider et al., 2001).

distribution & variation

Persan was a traditional grape in the valleys of Maurienne (Foëx, 1901), and nowadays its cultivation is still recommended for Isere and Savoie (10 hectares are cultivated in France), where in the past it was often associated to Douce noire (Corbeau ), to which it gave the structure missing in the latter. This grape continues to perform a similar function in the vineyards of the Susa Valley (a few hectares) where, after registration in the Italian Register in 2003, Becuét serves as partner to the weaker Avanà (Savoyard Hibou noir), giving the wine colour, body and acidity.

technological use

Traditionally associated in Italy to Avanà, to Dolcetto and other minor local varieties, Becuét contributes to the production of alpine DOC wines Valsusa red and Ramie, generous in giving an intense purple color, bouquet with fruity and spicy notes, and a fullness of taste due to the polyphenols endowment. It is also distinguished by particularly pronounced acidity.

Vinified alone Becuét also gives an interesting product, with great structure and longevity (already well known in the French counterpart Persan), which after aging evolves into a robust but fine and complex red wine; so much so that, even whilst not allowed by the regulations (established before approval of the grape in Italian Register), a varietal Becuét wine would have many fans.

bibliographies (5)
authors year title journal citation
Di Rovasenda G. 1877 Saggio di una ampelografia universale. Tipografia Subalpina, Torino.
Di Rovasenda G. 1877 Catalogo dei vitigni attualmente coltivati nella provincia di Torino con un cenno delle proporzioni nella loro coltivazione compilato sulle indicazioni fornite da ciascun comune alla Commissione ampelografica provinciale. In: Bullettino ampelografico, fascicolo VIII. Tip. Eredi Botta (Roma).
Foëx G. 1901 Persan. In: Viala P., Vermorel V. Ampélographie. Masson ed., Paris. Tome II.
Provana di Collegno L. 1883 Relazione sulla Esposizione ampelografica di Pinerolo. In: Bollettino ampelografico, fascicolo XVI. Tip. D. Ripamonti (Roma).
Schneider A., Carra A., Akkak A., This P., Laucou V., Botta R. 2001 Verifying synonymies between grape cultivars from France and Northwestern Italy using molecular markers. Vitis 40, 4, 197-203.
updated at 2016-11-14 13:54:59 (8 years ago)