Nascetta appears in the historical documents rather recently, not before the last decades of Nineteenth century. Even in those times, Nascetta growing area was limited to the municipality of Novello and to few near villages in the Langhe, in the province of Cuneo (Commissione Ampelografica Provincia di Cuneo, 1879). But while for many cultivars of the past the judgments were rather severe in terms of quality, not so for the Nascetta. The Count of Rovasenda left traces about Nascetta in his notes as of a "very delicate grape and exquisite wine" (Di Rovasenda, 1824 -1913). No less enthusiastically, Lorenzo Fantini in 1895 wrote "for finesse of taste immediately after the muscatel, ... the [Nascetta] grape is exquisite to the taste and gives excellent wine". This author placed Nascetta among the whites grapes capable of giving "luxury wines", together with the locals Moscatello, Rossese and Malvasia.
After a period of oblivion, few decades ago technicians and wine producers started looking at Nascetta with interest, making it the object of experimentation for a revival in culture (Macaluso and Mannini, 1993).
As for its alleged origin and history, nothing is known with precision. DNA analysis of around twenty molecular markers placed Nascetta in the group of varieties from Piedmont, in compare to hundreds Italian and international grape cultivars. Moreover, Nascetta seemed genetically linked to some minor cultivars typical of Saluzzese or Roero. It could therefore be assumed if not exactly originated in these areas, it must have be present here for some time (Schneider, 2011).