Several varieties share the name “Trebbiano”
often associated with a geographical denomination that should indicate the site
of origin. The Trebbiano romagnolo is a white berry variety which
gives a neutral flavor and low in alchool content wine to drink mainly young. The presence of Trebbiano romagnolo in Romagna
dates to the Etruscan and Roman ages but their origin are not undoubted.
Plinio il vecchio in his Naturalis Historia named a wine Tribulanum, from
the agro Trebulanis, near Capua. Some other derived the name Trebbiano from
“trebula”, that means farm, and may indicate a white wine produced for the
farmers own-consumption.
During the period of Roman Empire it was called “legionary wine” as it
was very appreciate by the roman soldiers.
Gallesio (Pomona Italiana,1831), reported
the description of the Trebbiano fiorentino, but recalled the presence in Italy
of different Trebbiano biotypes and mentioned the one in Romagna.
The different types of Trebbiano are reported by Conte di
Rovasenda, who mentioned the Trebbiano della fiamma e dell’occhio, which are peculiar
of Cesena area.
At the beginning of 20th century Molon synthesized all the denomination of Trebbiano in the different
italian areas, but it is not easy to pinpoint the sinonyms and the different
varieties (Molon, 1906).
The different biotypes of Trebbiano romagnolo has been described
by Bazzocchi (1923) Trebbiano della fiamma, Trebbiano di Solarolo and the
Trebbiano montanaro.