Albarola: general information

general information managed by Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante - CNR
How to cite this source Schneider A.,Torello Marinoni D., Raimondi S., 2013. Albarola. In: Italian Vitis Database,, ISSN 2282-006X
acknowledgments Ager Foundation, Regione Liguria
botanical information
type of origin
Vitis vinifera
variety group
not available
variety for
Registered in the National Catalogue
Official name
Albarola B.
official synonyms (1)
synonyms reported in the National Catalogue
  • Bianchetta genovese B. (Genova province)
documented synonyms (4)
synonyms documented by the Istitution that appear with the eventual support of the literature
released clones (4)
  • shoot
  • leaf
  • bunch
  • berry
Historical references

In early 1800 Giorgio Gallesio (1839) described the "Uva Albarola or Bianchetta del Genovesato” accompanying his text with an amazing picture from Daniele Del Re, that beautifully depicts the true characters of this varieties. Gallesio was well informed about the synonymy of the Albarola from the Cinque Terre (in the eastern Liguria) and the Bianchetta from Genoa area. This true synonymy has been later refused by Dell’Olio and Macaluso (1965), who claimed the two varieties were different. As a consequence of this study the two grapes were separately registered in the Italian Catalogue, but later evidences brought them back to the same variety (Schneider et al., 1993). As to other ancient quotations, the ”Albarola trebbiana” is mentioned by Acerbi’s correspondent G. Guidoni (1825) among the grapes from Cinque Terre (La Spezia province of Liguria region).

distribution & variation

Today Albarola is one of the major wine grapes of Liguria, mainly grown in the East part of the region. It is not present significantly elsewhere. A recent selection, the clone Albarola CVT Kihlgren, show an interesting looser grape, less prone to grey rot and mould, one of the disease that most affects Albarola.

An homonym, distinct Albarola, locally known as “Albarola di Lavagna”, is present in the Graveglia valley and in the hinterland of Chiavari (Genoa province).

technological use

Wines from Albarola grapes are rich in alcohol, but with less acidity. They are usually blend with Vermentino and/or Bosco into many white DOP wines from Liguria (among which Cinque Terre and Colli di Luni are the most well known). Albarola grapes could meet (at a maximum of 40%) the variety Bosco for the production of Cinque Terre Sciacchetrà, a special, typical straw wine.

bibliographies (6)
authors year title journal citation
Acerbi G. 1825 Delle viti italiane, ossia materiali per servire alla classificazione, monografia e sinonimia, preceduti dal tentativo di una classificazione delle viti. Ed. G. Silvestri - Milano
Dell'Olio G., Macaluso R. 1965 Albarola Principali vitigni da vino coltivati in Italia, Ministero dell'Agricoltura e Foreste. Longo & Zoppelli, Treviso
Dell'Olio G., Macaluso R. 1965 Bianchetta genovese Principali vitigni da vino coltivati in Italia, Ministero dell'Agricoltura e Foreste. Longo & Zoppelli, Treviso
Dell'Olio G., Macaluso R. 1965 Albarola Catalogo Istituzionale
Gallesio G. 1839 Pomona italiana, ossia trattato degli alberi fruttiferi. Capurro N., Pisa, 1817-1839
Schneider A., Mannini F., Argamante N. 1993 I vitigni liguri Orientamenti per la vitivinicoltura ligure. Regione Liguria, Servizio Assistenza Tecnica e Sperimentazione in Agricoltura.
updated at 2015-06-25 12:41:35 (9 years ago)