Molinara: ampelometry

OIV PDF description value
601 PDF Mature leaf: length of vein N1 4 medium-short
602 PDF Mature leaf: length of vein N2 6 medium-long
603 PDF Mature leaf: length of vein N3 6 medium-long
604 PDF Mature leaf: length of vein N4 8 between long and very long
605 PDF Mature leaf: length petiole sinus to upper lateral leaf sinus 7 long (90 mm)
606 PDF Mature leaf: length petiole sinus to lower lateral leaf sinus 7 long (75 mm)
607 PDF Mature leaf: angle between N1 and N2 measured at the first ramification 5 medium (46°-55°)
608 PDF Mature leaf: angle between N2 and N3 measured at the first ramification 5 medium (46°-55°)
609 PDF Mature leaf: angle between N3 and N41) measured at the first ramification 3 small (30°-45°)
610 PDF Mature leaf: angle between N3 and the tangent between petiole point 5 medium (46°-55°)
611 PDF Mature leaf: length of vein N5 3 short (25 mm)
612 PDF Mature leaf: length of tooth N2 2 between very short and short
613 PDF Mature leaf: width of tooth N2 4 medium-narrow
614 PDF Mature leaf: length of tooth N4 1 very short (6 mm)
615 PDF Mature leaf: width of tooth N4 3 narrow (10 mm)
616 PDF Mature leaf: number of teeth between the tooth tip of N2 and the tooth tip of the first secondary vein of N2 including the limits 6 medium-large
617 PDF Mature leaf: length between the tooth tip of N2 and the tooth tip of the first secondary vein of N2 3 short (30-45 mm)
618 PDF Mature leaf: opening/overlapping of petiole sinus 1 wide open (up ti about -35 mm)

no SuperAmpelo descriptors available for Molinara