The prevailing attitude that made this variety famous is withering, also available on the plant in a suitable environment. Generally, the grapes are picked not too much ripened, selecting bunches and trying to avoid damage during handling. The traditional withering took place in the sun on mats while today special covered and ventilated places are used.
This grapevine is used for the production of DOP and IGP wines from grapes harvested in the regions of Basilicata, Campania, Lazio, Marche, Piedmont, Puglia, Sardinia, Tuscany and Umbria. This variety is the basis of dessert wines some of which contain the type in purity or a variable percentage from 85 to 100% and precisely:
a) as Dop: Elba aleatico passito, Aleatico di Gradoli, Aleatico di Puglia;
b) as varietal type of Dop: Gioia del Colle, Rosso Orvietano, Pergola, Salice Salentino, Sovana, Terra d'Otranto (opinion of 30/9/2011), Val di Cornia.
It is also admitted in the production of the following wines:
c) as varietal type of Igp: Costa Toscana, Toscana, Maremma toscana, Allerona, Umbria, Colli Cimini, Lazio, Daunia, Murgia, Salento,Tarantino, Valle d'Itria, Puglia, Basilicata, Barbagia, Colli del Limbara, Marmilla, Nurra, Ogliastra, Parteolla, Planargia, Provincia di Nuoro, Romangia, Sibiola, Tharros, Trexenta, Valle del Tirso, Valli di Porto Pino, Isola dei Nuraghi;
d)as type with name of 2 or more varieties of Igp: Allerona, Colli Cimini, Costa Toscana, Daunia, Lazio, Maremma toscana, Murgia, Puglia, Romangia, Salento, Tarantino. Toscana, Umbria, Valle d'Itria.
The use of this variety is included in the list of aromatic varieties for the production of ’sparkling aromatic wines‘, with and without DOP, subject also to the specific exemptions listed in the Regulation no. 606/09. It is included, finally, in the list of liqueur wines Dop ’naturally sweet wine‘ (Regol. n. 606).
With grapes, both dried and fresh, you get a wine, pleasantly aromatic, with a delicate fragrance. The young wine has a beautiful ruby red color with light violet, which evolves toward amber tones with ageing. Nose reveals an intense and wide range of aromas ranging from floral (violets, roses), fresh fruits (black cherry, plum and dried cherry, red and black berries, exotic fruits such as lychees) to over ripening notes (jam). Depending on the duration and type of ageing they may emerge hints of spice and minerals.
It is a dessert and conversation wine, to be tested alone or paired with pastries or chocolate desserts.
DOP wines
a) DOP
Type, alcohol (% vol.)
Elba aleatico passito
total 19 from which 12 developed (dvp)
Aleatico di Gradoli
Liquorso and liquoroso riserva 17,5 of which 15 (dvp); passito 16 of which 9 dvp
Aleatico di Puglia
18,5 of which 16 dvp
b) DOP Varietal wine
Passito 15 of which 12 dvp
Gioia del Colle
Aleatico sweet: 15 of which 13 dvp; liquoroso sweet 18,5 of which 16 dvp
Salice Salentino
Sweet15%, of which 13 dvp; liquoroso sweet 18,5, of which 16 dvp
Terra d'Otranto
Aleatico 15 of which 13 dvp
Superiore and riserva 12 of which 9,5 dvp
Val di Cornia
Passito 16, of which 13 dvp
Rosso Orvietano,
11,5, of which 9,5 dvp