Lambrusco grasparossa - RE05: ampelografia

OIV description value images
001 Young shoot: opening of the shoot tip 5 fully open shoot
003 Young Shoot: intensity of anthocyanin coloration on prostrate hairs of tip 1 none or very low
004 Young Shoot: density of prostrate hairs on tip 3 low
006 Shoot: attitude (before tying) 3 semi-erect
007 Shoot: color of dorsal side of internodes 2 green and red
008 Shoot: color of ventral side of internodes 1 / 2 green / green and red
016 Shoot: number of consecutive tendrils 1 2 or less
051 Young leaf: color of the upper side of blade (4 th leaf) 3 bronze leaf
053 Young leaf: density of prostrate hairs between main veins on lower side of blade (4th leaf) 1 none or very low
065 Mature leaf: size of blade 5 medium
067 Mature leaf: shape of blade 3 / 2 pentagonal / wedge-shaped
068 Mature leaf: number of lobes 3 five
070 Mature leaf: area of anthocyanin coloration of main veins on upper side of blade 3 up to the 1st bifurcation
072 Mature leaf: goffering of blade 1 absent or very weak
074 Mature leaf: profile of blade in cross section 2 / 5 V-shaped / twisted
075 Mature leaf: blistering of upper side of blade 3 / 4 weak / medium-low
076 Mature leaf: shape of teeth 3 both sides convex
078 Mature leaf: length of teeth compared with their width 3 short
079 Mature leaf: degree of opening / overlapping of petiole sinus 5 closed
080 Mature leaf: shape of base of petiole sinus 2 brace-shaped ({)
081-1 Mature leaf: teeth in the petiole sinus 1 none
081-2 Mature leaf: petiole sinus base limited by veins 1 not limited
082 Mature leaf: degree of opening / overlapping of upper lateral sinus 1 open
083-2 Mature leaf: teeth in the upper lateral sinuses 1 none
084 Mature leaf: density of prostrate hairs between the main veins on lower side of blade 1 none or very low
087 Mature leaf: density of erect hairs on main veins on lower side of blade 7 high
094 Mature leaf: depth of upper lateral sinuses 3 shallow
151 Flower: sexual organs 3 fully developed stamens and fully developed gynoecium
152 Inflorescence: insertion of 1 st inflorescence 2 3rd and 4th node
202 Bunch: length (peduncle excluded) 5 / 3 medium / short bunch
204 Bunch: density 3 / 5 loose / medium
206 Bunch: length of peduncle of primary bunch 1 very short
208 Bunch: shape 2 / 1 conical / cylindrical
209 Bunch: number of wings of the primary bunch 2 1 - 2 wings
220 Berry: length 3 / 4 short / medium-short berry
221 Berry: width 3 narrow
223 Berry: shape 3 / 4 broad ellipsoid / narow ellipsoid
225 Berry: color of skin 6 blue black
231 Berry: intensity of flesh anthocyanin coloration 1 none or very weak
235 Berry: firmness of flesh 1 soft
236 Berry: particularity of flavor 1 none
241 Berry: formation of seeds 3 complete