Moscato bianco 225 - 386: trueness to type

confirmed yes
trueness to type confirmed by ampelography
confirmation by ampelography confirmed
related bibliography (1)
authors year title journal citation
Dalmasso G., Dell'Olio G., Cosmo I., Del Gaudio S., Ciasca L., Mazzei A., Zappalà A., Bruni B. 1964 Moscato bianco B. Catalogo Istituzionale
trueness to type confirmed by SSR-markers
confirmation by SSR-markers confirmed
related bibliography (1)
authors year title journal citation
Crespan M., N. Milani 2001 “The muscats: a molecular analysis of synonyms, homonyms and genetic relationships within a large family of grapevine cultivars”. Vitis, vol. 40, pp. 23-30
compared loci 23
identical loci 23
discrepancies n.a.