Bianco d'Alessano - Bianco d'Alessano (selez. massale): ampelometry

ampelometric leaf
ampelometric leaf
OIV PDF description value
601 PDF Mature leaf: length of vein N1 5 medium (135 mm)
602 PDF Mature leaf: length of vein N2 7 long (125 mm)
603 PDF Mature leaf: length of vein N3 7 long (95 mm)
604 PDF Mature leaf: length of vein N4 9 very long (55 mm and over)
605 PDF Mature leaf: length petiole sinus to upper lateral leaf sinus 5 medium (70 mm)
606 PDF Mature leaf: length petiole sinus to lower lateral leaf sinus 7 long (75 mm)
607 PDF Mature leaf: angle between N1 and N2 measured at the first ramification 7 large (56°-70°)
608 PDF Mature leaf: angle between N2 and N3 measured at the first ramification 5 medium (46°-55°)
609 PDF Mature leaf: angle between N3 and N41) measured at the first ramification 7 large (56°-70°)
610 PDF Mature leaf: angle between N3 and the tangent between petiole point 9 very large (> 70°)
612 PDF Mature leaf: length of tooth N2 5 medium (14 mm)
613 PDF Mature leaf: width of tooth N2 7 wide (18 mm)
614 PDF Mature leaf: length of tooth N4 3 short (10 mm)
615 PDF Mature leaf: width of tooth N4 7 wide (18 mm)
descriptor value standard deviation
Height of the tooth on the end of N4 9.717 1.727
Height of the tooth on the end of N4' 12.200 0.803
Height of the tooth on the end of N2 14.900 2.023
Altezza del dente posto all’estremità di N2' 16.117 4.570
Base of the tooth located at the end of N4' 17.550 2.100
Base of the tooth located at the end of N2 17.767 1.839
Distance from the petiole sinus to the lower left sinus 69.033 10.131
Base of the tooth located at the end of N4 15.550 1.634
Base of the tooth located at the end of N2' 19.800 3.203
Distance from the petiole sinus to the upper right sinus 75.667 11.783
Vein N3', length from the petiole sinus to vein N4' 12.133 3.184
Distance from the petiole sinus to the lower right sinus 72.183 6.744
Distance from the petiole sinus to the upper left sinus 69.100 11.469
Length of vein N5 31.033 4.868
Length of vein N4' 67.067 2.781
Vein N3, length from the petiole sinus to vein N4 11.717 2.328
Length of vein N5' 36.450 4.598
Distance between petiole point and end of vein N4 69.633 4.890
Leaf length 203.167 11.119
Length of vein N4 60.617 5.076
Distance between petiole point and end of vein N4' 75.833 3.754
Petiole length 97.600 8.553
Length of vein N1 134.450 9.159
Leaf width 194.883 14.232
Leaf length Including the petiole 232.067 12.396
Distance between the ends of veins N4 and N4' 71.000 8.636
Width of petiole sinus / Distance between points SP and SP' -9.833 5.429
Distance between the ends of veins N2 and N2' 190.033 18.093
Distance between the ends of veins N3 and N3' 183.267 11.777
Length of vein N3 94.133 8.824
Length of vein N3' 96.133 5.701
Length of vein N2 118.067 10.224
Length of vein N2' 120.617 9.430
Distance between the tooth tip of N2 and the tooth tip of the first ramification (secondary vein) of N2 66.617 12.884
Distance between the tooth tip of N2' and the tooth tip of the first ramification (secondary vein) of N2' 62.617 17.795
descriptor value standard deviation
Angle between N2 and N3 measured at the petiole point and between N2 and N3 tooth tip 68.817 9.033
Angle between N2 and N3 measured at the petiole point and between N2' and N3' tooth tip 75.133 4.505
Angle between S and S' with the center in N1 61.567 13.706
Angle between I and I' with the center in N1 52.350 4.793
Sum of the angles alpha' + beta' 113.050 11.792
Sum of the angles alpha + beta 109.683 2.817
Sum of the angles alpha' + beta' + gamma' 167.883 18.119
Sum of the angles alpha + beta + gamma 166.033 8.363
Angle between N1 and N2 measured at the first bifurcation 61.983 4.551
Angle between N1 and N2' measured at the first bifurcation 66.333 6.296
Angle between N3 and N4 at the first fork of N3 56.367 6.612
Angle between N3' and N4' 54.833 7.166
Angle between N2 and N3 measured at the first bifurcation 47.683 4.818
Angle between N2 and N3' measured at the first bifurcation 46.683 9.925
Angle between N2 and N3 measured at the ends of the veins 49.833 7.944
Angle between N2' and N3' measured at the ends of the veins 54.150 5.080
Angle between N1 and N2 measured at the ends of the veins 54.683 3.673
Angle between N1' and N2' measured at the ends of the veins 51.300 8.313
Angle of opening of the petiole sinus measured at SP and at SP' 12.433 11.063
Angle between D and D' with the center in N1 106.983 4.688
Angle between N3 and N4 measured at the ends of the veins 44.033 5.411
Angle between N3' and N4' measured at the ends of the veins 47.583 2.929
descriptor value standard deviation
Media of the base of the teeth of the right side 19.607 2.490
Media height of the teeth of the right side 16.321 1.081
Media of the base of the teeth of the left side 20.993 2.368
Media height of the teeth of the left side 18.950 0.902
Ratio between the height and the base of the tooth at the end of the vein N2' 0.813 0.178
Ratio between the height and the base of the tooth at the end of the vein N2 0.838 0.083
Ratio between the height and the base of the tooth at the end of the vein N4' 0.703 0.090
Ratio between the height and the base of the tooth at the end of the vein N4 0.632 0.148
Ratio between the sum of the angles a' + b' and the sum of the distance between the petiole sinus and upper right sinus OS' and the petiole sinus and lower right lower right sinus OI' 0.015 0.003
Ratio between the sum of the angles a + b and the sum of the distance between the petiole sinus and upper right sinus OS and the petiole sinus and lower right lower right sinus OI 0.013 0.001
Ratio between the height and the base of the teeth of the left side 0.911 0.104
Ratio between the height and the base of the teeth of the right side 0.839 0.074
Ratio between the length of the vein N4' and the length of the vein N1 0.501 0.044
Ratio between the length of the vein N4 and the length of the vein N1 0.452 0.036
Ratio between the length of the vein N5' and the length of the vein N1 0.273 0.043
Ratio between the length of the vein N5 and the length of the vein N1 0.230 0.028
Ratio between the length of the vein N2' and the length of the vein N1 0.898 0.050
Ratio between the length of the vein N2 and the length of the vein N1 0.878 0.038
Ratio between the length of the vein N3' and the length of the vein N1 0.718 0.072
Ratio between the length of the vein N3 and the length of the vein N1 0.701 0.053
Ratio between the distance from the sinus and the length of the vein N2' 0.579 0.126
Ratio between the distance from the sinus and the length of the vein N2 0.641 0.084
Ratio between the distance from the petiole sinus to the lower left sinus OI' and the length of vein N3' 0.721 0.114
Ratio between the distance from the petiole sinus to the lower right sinus OI and the length of vein N3 0.770 0.076
Multiplication between length and width of the leaf 39719.530 5191.878
Ratio between the length of the petiole OP and the length of the vein N1 0.729 0.080
Ratio between length and width of the leaf 1.044 0.025